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Time-of-use (TOU) Prices


The majority of Ontario electricity users pay time-of-use prices. If you’ve signed an electricity contract with a company, these prices will not affect you. There are three time-of-use price periods:

  • Off-peak, when demand for electricity is lowest. Ontario households use the majority of their electricity – nearly two thirds of it – during off-peak hours.

  • Mid-peak, when demand for electricity is moderate. These periods are during the daytime, but not the busiest times of day.

  • On-peak, when demand is highest. The busiest times of day. Generally when people are cooking, firing up their computers and running heaters or air conditioners.

The chart above below shows the price you pay today for electricity at different times of the day.

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Vampire Electronics, what are they and how to deal with them?


You may not realize it but even when our appliances and devices are powered off but still plugged in, they are using power. This is known as “vampire electronics”.
And this can have significant impact on a consumer’s wallet. Vampire electronics can add more than $100 per year to your electricity bills.

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The first 4 letters on your Bill are required to verify your account information

for example:
John Smith = JOHN
Mrs. Taylor = MRST

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